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Grant Lovell AME Chapel Church, Moberly and Bethel Church Macon, Celebrate the
Legacy of Elder Fran T. Cary

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Grant Lovell Chapel AME Church, Moberly, Missouri
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Bethel AME Church, Macon, Missouri
Fran T . Cary Pic.webp

Elder Fran T. Cary: The Majestic African Queen

Tribute to the Presiding Elder Fran T. Cary - Fifth Episcopal District - Midwest Missouri Conference


When God first called you to serve him, you probably don’t have an idea the monumental tasks placed before you.

In his work Twelfth Night, the famous playwright, William Shakespeare tells us not to fear greatness saying, “Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them.”


Elder Cary, I believe you are qualified for all the three. You are born again by the baptism of the Holy Spirit, you achieve greatness through your work, and you are crowned with the glory of Our Lord Savior Jesus Christ who thrust greatness upon you with powerful anointing.


After so many years of pastoring churches, presiding, and counselling over Ministers, sharing God’s visions, and inspiring others, do you have an idea how many souls you have touched?


Each time we Ministers get on the pulpit and preach God’s message; we have no idea how Our Heavenly Father is looking down and smiling.


Why? Because we are the shepherds of the sheep of His pasture, His precious, dedicated, committed, and consistent servants serving on the earthly Vineyard of the Almighty God.


I have seen God used you in so many ways that you never imagined. The sacred Mantle and the divine gifts He gives you, the opportunities He granted to you, and the different places he placed you, were all designed to glorify the Lord.


Following the footsteps of a Good Shepherd; the Lord Jesus Christ is not easy because of the sacrifices we make and the challenges we have to endure.

Looking at your footprints and the legacy you will leave behind, you walk the talk and serve with elegance.


I want to assure you, wearing your Sacred Garment (the Mantle of your service and leadership) before the Lord and before others reflects the beauty of God’s greatness that echoes throughout your ministry.


Undoubtedly, the Lord is therefore proud of you.

Nobody can blow your trumpet or beat your drums of your celebration louder than God the Father.

This is the time for your celebration, and I know heaven is rejoicing and celebrating with you, even though your assignment is not completely over. As long as we live, we remained His messenger until we go home to glory.


The Lord remembers those difficult moments of challenges, quiet moments that appear to be lonely, difficult decisions, and even silent tears. All work together for the glory of God.

And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose,” – Romans 8:28.


Thank you for your sacrifice and the great service you provided in your ministry to a church that is named after the Mother Land – African Methodist Episcopal Church.

You paved a wonderful pathway for those coming behind you and wonderful examples to emulate.


May the Lord continue to shower you with his abundant blessings.

May the glory of God continue to shine brighter in your life.

May your star continue to glow like the Stars of Heaven.

May His peace of God invade your soul every moment.

May He bless you with peaceful sleep of His serenity each night.

May His mercy endures with you always.

May His grace enshroud you and your family.

May you continue to bask in His glory every day.


Congratulations Beloved.

I can’t say, “Enter into the joy of the Lord,” not yet. That comes later because your mission is not over, and you are not home yet.

When you match and arrive at the 15th Midwest AME Annual Conference in September 2022, remember, your ministry journey continues.


Thank you, Beloved “Woman of God” for a job well done.

With much appreciation, love and respect, Congratulations!


Tribute by: Rev. Victor Vidal, Pastor Grant Lovell AME Church and Bethel AME Church, Moberly and Macon, MO















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