Members Caution Alert!

Grant Lovell and Bethel
AME Churches
Church YouTube Channel
We Are Giving Out Free Bibles
We Are Giving Out Free Bibles
Congratulations Presiding Elder Goodman
Grant Lovell Church, MO
Bethel Church, Macon, MO
Church Sunday School
Annual Conference Schedule
Guidelines to reopen church buildings
Clergy of Central Missourii

Welcome Our New Bishop
Francine A. Brookins, ESQ. & Supervisor Rev. Dr. Miriam Burnett

Resurrection - Easter 2024 Celebration


Mission Focus: We give out FREE Bibles after service each Sunday in
February 2022 to Celebrate Black History Month and Other Sundays
"Reading a Bible Chapter a Day Chases the Devil Away."
God is Our Father, Christ Our Redeemer, Holy Spirit Our Comforter, Mankind Our Family
St. Louis/Columbia Church School Conference at St. Paul AME in Columbia, MO, hosted by Re. Stephanie Allen, Rev. Clayton Goodman Presiding Elder. 2023
Family and Friends Day 2022
Man's greatest challenge is not the devil, but the struggle within to be significant which opens the wide door for the devil. The Holy Spirit closes such a door while echoing Jesus saying, "Learn to die to self and be significant in the Garden of the Almighty God."
Grant Lovell Chapel AME Church Memorial
Celebrating the Feast of Tabernacles 2022

Annual Conference Schedule

Christ Our Redeemer AME Church Hosts the 168th
St. Louis Missouri Conference 2022
Rev. Dr. Richardson - Hosting Pastor
Rev. Clayton Goodman, Presiding Elder
Rev. Edmond Lowe, Presiding Elder
Location: Hilton Airport Hotel, St. Louis, MO
Grant Lovell AME Church Chapel in Moberly, MO and Bethel Church in Macon, MO
Congratulate Christ Our Redeemer, AME Church, St. Louis, MO
for Hosting the 168th AME Annual Conference 2022
Ministerial Alliance Update: To celebrate the completion of another conference year, we're having a Backyard BBQ hosted by Rev. Roger Richardson and Christ Our Redeemer AME Church on Saturday, October 22nd at 3pm. This is a bring-your-own meat affair. Come enjoy good fun and fellowship!!!
October 26 – 29, 2022
168th Missouri Annual Conference
Host: Christ Our Redeemer, Blackjack, MO
Venue: Hilton Hotel, St Louis Airport, St Louis, MO
Registration: Click Here
Bishop Fugh Breakfast by the St. Louis Ministerial Alliance, Wednesday October 26th at 8 am Hilton Airport Hotel, St. Louis, MO. A gift bag has been prepared for all the Ministers attending the Bishop's breakfast. If you are attending, please come earlier to claim your gift bag at the door. Stay tuned for more information.
Annual Conference daily Agenda
October 30 – 31, 2022
Fifth District Planning Meeting
St Louis, Missouri
Sunday evening: Opening Service.
Monday morning: will be dedicated to Component Meetings.
Monday afternoon: Business Session will commence promptly at 12:00 Noon, with adjournment by 4:00 p.m.
Hotel accommodations: will be available through Tuesday, October 25th, so there will be no need to exit the Meeting early.
Format: like the Annual Conferences, participation will be in a hybrid format – virtual and in-person.
Schedule: Click Here

St. Paul AME Cathedral St. Louis, MO
Book Your Annual Conference Hotel At Hilton Airport
​The room block has been extended for a temporary and will close on Friday, September 30th.
It is imperative that the members of the conference and the district make their reservations immediately.
Booking code is AME!
Hotel code: AME
Please also Register
Here's the Eventbrite Registration link for the 168th Session of the Missouri Annual Conference from October 27-29, 2022:

Tribute: To Rev. May Hall
We thank you O Lord for those shepherds who faithfully helped to create the pathway that we thread through their dedications, relentless sacrifice, and their footsteps. For the good works of good shepherds will always follow after them.
Rev. Victor Vidal

Mid Year Conference 2022
Here is the link to register for Mid-year. Remember, you need to register if you are attending in person or to have access to the meetings and service virtually.
Blessings to all of you, your Disciples and Your Families.
The Presiding Elders met with Bishop Fugh this week and the following details and REGISTRATION LINK for Mid-Year is included with this missive.
Our Bishop is encouraging as many of you and Your Disciples to attend Mid-Year In Person to the level of your comfort.
There are some awesome Preaching and Teaching Moments Planned. Our Own Presiding Elder Goodman's turn to Preach for the Morning Worship.
Opportunities to register to "virtually" attend the Midyear will be posted online. Persons attending in-person will not be required to register.
The Early Registration Fee - before February 15th - $50.00.
1) Registration after February 15th is $75.00. Registration will give access to Business Sessions and Worship Services. Registration will NOT be transferable.
2) Live Streaming will NOT be available "real time," for persons who DO NOT register, but later "on demand."
3) Missionaries who register for the WMS Component Meetings on Tuesday evening and Wednesday morning will be admitted as "registrants" to the MidYear Conference Business Sessions and Worship Services. They will be exempted from the "virtual" registration fees.
Please use this link MidYear Registration.
Elder Cary