Members Caution Alert!

Grant Lovell and Bethel
AME Churches
Church YouTube Channel
We Are Giving Out Free Bibles
We Are Giving Out Free Bibles
Congratulations Presiding Elder Goodman
Grant Lovell Church, MO
Bethel Church, Macon, MO
Church Sunday School
Annual Conference Schedule
Guidelines to reopen church buildings
Clergy of Central Missourii

Welcome Our New Bishop
Francine A. Brookins, ESQ. & Supervisor Rev. Dr. Miriam Burnett

Resurrection - Easter 2024 Celebration


Mission Focus: We give out FREE Bibles after service each Sunday in
February 2022 to Celebrate Black History Month and Other Sundays
"Reading a Bible Chapter a Day Chases the Devil Away."
God is Our Father, Christ Our Redeemer, Holy Spirit Our Comforter, Mankind Our Family
St. Louis/Columbia Church School Conference at St. Paul AME in Columbia, MO, hosted by Re. Stephanie Allen, Rev. Clayton Goodman Presiding Elder. 2023
Family and Friends Day 2022
Man's greatest challenge is not the devil, but the struggle within to be significant which opens the wide door for the devil. The Holy Spirit closes such a door while echoing Jesus saying, "Learn to die to self and be significant in the Garden of the Almighty God."
Grant Lovell Chapel AME Church Memorial
Celebrating the Feast of Tabernacles 2022

Grant Lovell AME Church, Moberly MO Speakers Series 2022

Friday April 8, at 7 pm
Rev. Lawrence Holt
Central Missouri Clergy Coalition Revival
at Grant Lovell AME Church, Moberly, Missouri.

Lawrence Holt has been in ministry since 2007 when he was called into the ministry and was licensed at Second Baptist Church, Fayette, MO. He became an Associate Minister under Rev. Horace Hopkins, Jr. Lawrence graduated from Fulton Public Schools, Fulton, MO and had three years of Vocational School in Mechanics.
Lawrence Holt loves to work on cars, hunting and fishing along with his love for playing softball. Lawrence worked at Fulton Public Schools as a supervisor for 30 years before retiring. He is a very quiet and soft-spoken man with few words.
Lawrence was ordained in January 2015 under Rev. Charlie Wright, Sr. at Second Baptist Church, Fayette, MO. Although, being a very shy individual, Lawrence has allowed God to bring him out of the shyness. He has compassion for the people and the Word of God!
He is presently the Pastor of Second Baptist Church, Salisbury, MO. since 2014. Rev. Lawrence Holt has been married 17 years to his wife, Sarah Cowans-Holt with a blended family that consists of 7 children and 14 grandchildren.
Date: Sunday May 29th 2022
at 11:30 am Service
Name: Dr. Nathan Stevens

Dr. Nathan A. Stephens is an Assistant Professor of Social Work at Illinois State University. His bachelor’s and master’s degrees in Social Work are from Columbia College and the University of Missouri (Mizzou) respectively. He graduated in December 2021 with his Ph.D. at Mizzou.
At ISU Dr. Stephens teaches Social Justice with Diverse Populations, Generalist Practice III: Social Work with Groups, and Social Work with Diverse Groups. As a believer in the power of education to change lives, Dr. Stephens created and taught the course Social Justice in Social Work to incarcerated students residing in the Danville Correctional Center in the Spring of 2020. His inspiration for the course stemmed from his experience of being incarcerated in the Oklahoma Department of Corrections for over 5 years and the Missouri Department of Corrections for almost a year before being released on parole.
He credits his grandmother Nettie Jordan and his Aunts Peyton Jordan and Karen Jordan-Ware for always praying for him and staying in contact with him through the years. It was those prayers that led him to pick up his bible for the first time in the Tulsa County Jail facing 25 to life. He didn’t pray to be released, he prayed to be free from the mental and emotional bondage that led him to jail in the first place. After accepting Christ, his life began to change for the better.
After his release, he worked with youth for the City of Columbia (MO) Parks and Recreation Department under the mentorship of Civil Rights icon Wynna Faye Elbert. He also met and became a student of Columbia’s first Black woman City Councilwoman Almeta Crayton who taught him to always trace the money. Soon he accepted a job as the Director of the Gaines/Oldham Black Culture Center at Mizzou. There he began his Ph.D. studies and created a program to support Black men on the campus. This began his 15-year career in Multicultural Affairs with stints at Mizzou, Southern Illinois University-Carbondale, and the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. In the Fall of 2020, Dr. Stephens began teaching full-time as a tenure track Assistant Professor at Illinois State University. His goal is to use his experiences and knowledge to shape the next generation of social workers.
Finally, as a member of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc., Dr. Stephens is inspired by Alpha Jewel Eugene Kinckle Jones, an innovative social worker that worked extensively to improve the social conditions for Black people. Dr. Stephens believes strongly Alpha Phi Alpha’s motto, “first of all, servants of all, we shall transcend all.”
Date: Sunday June 26, 2022
at 11:30 am Service
Name: Nicholas Vidal

Nicholas Vidal was born and raised in St. Louis, MO.
He graduated from UMSL with a degree in Economics.
He currently works in IT as a Database Manager.
He is a husband, father, preacher and ordained Deacon at his church.
Nicholas has three siblings; two senior sisters and one older brother. His mother is a registered nurse.
His father Rev. Victor Vidal is the Pastor of Grant Lovell AME church, Moberly, Missouri, and Bethel AME Church in Macon, MO., both of which taught him the way of the Lord. Both parents took him and his siblings to church every Sunday and introduced them to Christ.
Nicholas enjoys cooking, learning, and people.
He loves the Lord and has determined to preach the uncompromising Word of God.
Date: Yet to be determined
Name: Rev. May Hall